Avelle Apartments

Apply Now!

30 units
18 One Bedroom / 10 Two Bedroom / 2 Three Bedroom

Very low to Low Income

Property Contact: avelle@sares-regis.com

EV Charging Station is now First Come, First Serve; storage Fees will vary depending on the side needed per the attached ODN update

Release date (accepting drawing entries): 7/26/2024

Property Address: 1001 North Shoreline, Mountain View

OD #600 - 8 Units - 1 Bed / 1 Bath

  • Rent: $1,790*

  • Approx. 717 to 742 Sq. Ft.

  • Total Security Deposit: $500

    *The Security Deposit amount may change due to the property’s credit/background screening.

  • Income Category: 30% to 50% (Extremely Low to Very Low Income)

    *The rent amount can change when the annual income limits and utility allowance schedules are updated annually.

OD #601 - 10 Units - 1 Bed / 1 Bath

  • Rent: $2,343 to $2,896*

  • Approx. 740 to 775 Sq. Ft.

  • Total Security Deposit: $500

    *The Security Deposit amount may change due to the property’s credit/background screening.

  • Income Category: 50% to 80% (Very Low to Low Income)

*The rent amount can change when the annual income limits and utility allowance schedules are updated on an annual basis.

OD #603 - 8 Units - 2 Bed / 2 Bath

  • Rent: $2,622 to $3,244*

  • Approx. 1023 to 1099 Sq. Ft.

  • Total Security Deposit: $600

    *The Security Deposit amount may change due to the property’s credit/background screening.

  • Income Category: 50% to 80% (Very Low to Low Income)

    *The rent amount can change when the annual income limits and utility allowance schedules are updated on an annual basis.

OD #604 - 2 Units - 3 Bed / 3 Bath

  • Rent: $3,594*

  • Approx. 1419 Sq. Ft.

  • Total Security Deposit: $700

    *The Security Deposit amount may change due to the property’s credit/background screening.

  • Income Category: 50% to 80% (Very Low to Low Income)

    *The rent amount can change when the annual income limits and utility allowance schedules are updated on an annual basis.

Minimum and Maximum Gross Annual Income

Low-Income Units: Income Range 30% to 80% AMI (click the button to access the income table). The minimum income amount may be different if the applicants are using housing voucher (e.g., section 8)

Click on the button below for instructions, income limits, and more details:


Opportunity Drawing Release date: 7/26/2024

Deadline to Enter Opportunity Drawings: 8/12/2024 by 5:00 PM

Ranking results will be posted on Approximately 8/16/2024

FILE REQUEST: The deadline to submit a Complete Application File for review is 8/23/2024 by 5:00 PM. This is a separate step from entering the drawing. Start uploading your file and supporting documents now.

Ranking Method: Random lottery and City Preferences will be prioritized; others may apply.

Drawing entries with complete files received after the drawing entry deadline will be added to the end of the processing list on a first-come, first-served basis.


Prepare your application file while you wait for the opportunities to be opened and ranked. Click HERE

Go to the “Getting Started” tab, then the Rental Program Info Page, and view the pre-recorded orientation to learn how to open an account, obtain an application ID, update your profiles, and enter the drawings for this community. Please do not open more than one account; this may affect your eligibility.

The final selected candidates will view the unit by appointment.